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Episode 3: Embracing the Overwhelm

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

How Understanding Your Body’s Symptoms is the First Step to Thriving!

Episode Description:Often when we think of symptoms such as overwhelm, fevers, or coughing, we see them as being something bad. What if I told you that these pesky symptoms were actually a good thing? In today’s episode, Kaci and I are talking all about why these symptoms are actually a good thing.

Disclaimer: Nothing shared on The Thriving Mompreneur Podcast is professional medical advice. Please seek professional advice before engaging with our content, and clearly understand that this content is not a substitute for medical advice. Learn more here:

Main topics covered in this episode:

  • Why symptoms are a good thing

  • What our body’s symptoms are communicating to us

  • Why knowing and understanding your body’s symptoms empowers you to make informative decisions about your health

  • Examples of what it looks like to recognize and understand your body’s symptoms and taking action based on what those symptoms are communicating

Resources mentioned in today’s episode:

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